16 July 2008

Cape Town, South Africa

Sorry that I have been a bit behind in posting images from my vacation! I seem to have wandered into full-vacation mode as my trip progressed, and while I took photos, I only seemed to log on to my computer long enough to answer emails.

The images in this post were taken in Cape Town. This first one is from the same sunset as the last post, just on the other side of the road. Cape Town as some of the most incredible skies I have ever seen. It truly is a city where, if you don't like the weather at the moment, just wait five minutes and it will change. While it can make planning a bit difficult, it really makes for the most incredible skies and sunsets. I looked forward to the cloud patterns each day I was down there.

The next several images were from Boulder (kinda obvious where the name comes from, huh?) where I made Canna take me so that I could see South African penguins!

This sign made me laugh....especially when you look at the photo of the baby below. He certainly doesn't *look* dangerous. But I was reminded not to get too secure. They usually sit at the side of the road and have no hesitation to come up to the car and aggressively take anything you happen to be holding.

After visiting Boulder, we continued our drive south to Cape Point. This is the southern most point in the country, and the place where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. This sign was posted to show visitors how far they were from home.

The actual point, where the oceans meet.

This local climbed over the railing, and I think I held my breath the entire time he sat there, hoping he wouldn't fall.

On to the harbor. The seagulls will take french fries (or chips as they are know in SA) right out of your hand.

This is Table Mountain. It is called as much because the top of it is flat. When clouds decend on to the mountain, they call it the 'table cloth.' This was the most clear sight I had of the mountain while I was in Cape Town. The clouds are more often very low and dense.

A protea, the national flower.

And a few random scenic shots, while I was playing with flare.


Angie said...

Heather - these are BEAUTIFUL! I especially like the penguins!

abandonvehicle said...

I LOVE your photos~!!! Thanks for sharing and for having those eyes!

Armin DeFiesta said...

Really cool shots!